Palm Beach Humor Author Susan Goldfein Delights Audience In Lantana

The multi award-winning Palm Beach author Susan Goldfein gave a reading and book signing with her latest collection of humorous essays, ‘Laughing My Way Through the Third Stage,’ to a crowd of close to 50 people at Vi at Lakeside Village. Susan’s previous book, ‘How to Complain When There’s Nothing to Complain About,’ took the Gold for Humor in the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards as well as winning the 2019 International Book Award for Humor. Those two awards are in addition to the Bronze Independent Publisher Book (IPPY) Award for Humor. Susan’s first book, ‘How Old Am I in Dog Years,’ published in 2015, also won three awards for humor. To purchase any of Susan Goldfein’s award-winning books, please visit Amazon or



Susan Goldfein holds a doctorate in Communication Disorders from Teachers College, Columbia University, which, while affording her success as a clinician, teacher, and consultant, has done absolutely nothing to prepare her for creating her books.

Nevertheless, she has plunged into a second career writing humorous essays about life with wit, wisdom, and a touch of irony. Hailing originally from New York City, she currently lives in Florida with her husband and the world’s cutest dog, Sam, a rough-coat Russell Terrier.

Her first book, “How Old Am I in Dog Years,” was a winner in the 2016 Delray Beach Library’s Authors’ Showcase, a Silver Medalist in the 2016 Independent Publishers (IPPY) Book Awards in the humor category, and won the prize for humor in the 2017 NYC Big Book Awards.

Her essays have appeared in the Palm Beach Post, and Hearst newspapers, and have been featured on the Florida Arts Radio Network and the Kravis Center’s Showcase The Writing. She is a speaker and author of the blog, Susan’s Unfiltered Wit ( She has written a monthly humor column for “Lifestyles After 50,” a Florida publication, and is a syndicated columnist with Senior Wire.


Photo Credit: Ed Katz

Date Posted: March 27, 2023

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